Friday, October 22, 2010

'Tis the Season...

To get sick! School's started, and with the kids crowded into classrooms upwards of eight hours per day, the germs are beginning their annual resurgence into the human species.

As a new teacher's aide, I've found myself battling the bugs that come with the territory that is elementary school. A simple cold found its way from some surface -- a hand, a pencil, or perhaps even a book -- into my body, and from there it was a losing battle. I have a weakened immune system thanks to a genetic condition I was lucky enough to inherit, but had been trying to ward off the worst of the germs with vitamins -- but the germs were having none of it. Within a week of the first sniffle, I had full-blown pneumonia.

Pneumonia isn't an illness to mess with. The cough was excruciatingly painful and persistent; the fever high and disorienting; the chills enough to send a girl after the warmest blanket in her closet -- only to throw it to the ground as the heat became unbearable. Almost three weeks into this debilitating illness, and it's still hanging around, not content to simply let me be.

I know I can't be the only person out there who tends to develop illness easily, and it's on behalf of those people and myself that I implore you -- PLEASE wash your hands!!! PLEASE teach your kids to wash their hands! With cold weather preparing to settle in for a long spell, there's never been a better time to reiterate the lessons of good hygiene.

Here's hoping we all have a happy, healthy winter! :)

1 comment:

  1. I am so right there with you. I work at a hospital, so it has been imbedded in my brain. I have turned this practice to my son and he is now brainwashed. It is so very important to have good hygiene. I hope you feel better soon!
